Month / June 2017

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  • 4th Meeting of Jopapp

    JOPAPP’s Transnational Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal 26-27/06/2017 During two days, 26th and of 27th June 2017, the partners of JOPAPP Project met in the office of ANESPO – Associação Nacional de Escolas Profissionais, in Lisbon. Among the points in discussion, the partnership focused on the development of JOPAPP’s app, mentioning what has been done up…

    The Lifelong Learning Platform held its Annual Conference “Education in a digital world” in Tallinn, Estonia, on 31 May and 1 June 2017. Gathering more than 60 delegates in education and digital, the conference was the opportunity to share good practice during the “Digital Fair” from all over Europe. During the Digital Fair, EfVET and ANESPO demonstrated…